Introducing the latest in industrial, small engine performance the Wildcat 223cc Engine.
There are easily half a dozen 212 engines that have flooded the small industrial and power equipment market. The variety of engines have made it difficult to choose what platform is the best when they are the same in size and share similar components. We made the choice much easier, rather than another 212 why not try a bigger 223cc engine?
"No replacement for displacement." Ask any hot rodder and they will agree. There are two foundations for making more power, more displacement, or more rpm. As RPMs increase and the engine can be built or modified to remain efficient it can continue to make power. Since most industrial engines are governed increasing RPMs is restricted. If the engine is used for racing applications, the governor removed, some of the best-built engines do not run over 10,000 RPMs. By increasing displacement not only does it make more torque and more power than a 212cc engine out of the box it has more potential when modified.
Crankshaft. The way the Wildcat makes 223cc is due to the crankshaft stroke. The Wildcat has a 70mm bore just like the 212 engines but features a 2.283" stroke crankshaft. How does this compare to other engines?
The GX200 or 196 Clones have 2.125"
The Predator, Ducar and Tillotson 212 have 2.165" or +.040"
The 56mm aftermarket cranks are 2.204 or +.080"
The WildCat is 2.283" or + .160"
The ARC Billet Crankshaft that can be used in any of these engines is 2.300" or +.175. The WildCat is closer in stroke to the ARC crank, only .017", that it is to the 212 or even the aftermarket 56mm(+.080) crankshaft. If you ever wanted to stroke your Predator but could never af the cost of a Billet crank, the Wildcat is your solution. But it doesn't stop at crankshaft stroke.
Power. The Wildcat 223's extra stroke adds to the power when compared to other engines EPA rating. Independent tests may vary on the calibration of the dyno.
Fits Honda GX200 5.5hp vs Wildcat 7.5hp is a 35% increase
Predator 212 6.5 vs Wildcat 7.5hp is a 15.5% increase
Tillotson 212E 7hp vs Wildcat 7.5hp is a 7% increase
Duromax XP7HPE 7hp vs Wildcat 7.5hp 7% increase
Strength. If there is somewhere the Predator or many other 212 engines can improve its block strength. The Wildcat has a reinforced block that is stronger than the Predator and many other 212 engines. The Wildcat blocks are capable of handling up to stage 4 kits when properly assembled and many builds that go beyond what stage 4 kits offer.
The WildCat comes in multiple variations. This is the standard pull start version but you can also purchase a pull start engine with a charging coil that is not offered by most popular 212 engines. The Wildcat also offers an electric start version
WildCat Specs:
Bore: 70mm
Stroke: 58mm
High-Velocity Hemi Head
27/25mm Valves, 5mm Stem
4000rpm limited coil
These parts interchange with the Wildcat
Camshaft: Gx200/Clone, Tillotson, Ducar, or Predator Hemi. Camshafts may require machining or grinding to make clearance for the crankshaft.
Flywheel Taper: Gx200/Clone, Tillotson, or Ducar
Exhaust Header: Gx200/Clone, Tillotson, Ducar or Predator 212
Connecting Rod: Gx200/Clone, Tillotson(not the 212E or 225). Non-stock or Billet Rods will require some clearance to fit the camshaft and the block
Introducing the latest in industrial, small engine performance the Wildcat 223cc Engine.
There are easily half a dozen 212 engines that have flooded the small industrial and power equipment market. The variety of engines have made it difficult to choose what platform is the best when they are the same in size and share similar components. We made the choice much easier, rather than another 212 why not try a bigger 223cc engine?
"No replacement for displacement." Ask any hot rodder and they will agree. There are two foundations for making more power, more displacement, or more rpm. As RPMs increase and the engine can be built or modified to remain efficient it can continue to make power. Since most industrial engines are governed increasing RPMs is restricted. If the engine is used for racing applications, the governor removed, some of the best-built engines do not run over 10,000 RPMs. By increasing displacement not only does it make more torque and more power than a 212cc engine out of the box it has more potential when modified.
Crankshaft. The way the Wildcat makes 223cc is due to the crankshaft stroke. The Wildcat has a 70mm bore just like the 212 engines but features a 2.283" stroke crankshaft. How does this compare to other engines?
The GX200 or 196 Clones have 2.125"
The Predator, Ducar and Tillotson 212 have 2.165" or +.040"
The 56mm aftermarket cranks are 2.204 or +.080"
The WildCat is 2.283" or + .160"
The ARC Billet Crankshaft that can be used in any of these engines is 2.300" or +.175. The WildCat is closer in stroke to the ARC crank, only .017", that it is to the 212 or even the aftermarket 56mm(+.080) crankshaft. If you ever wanted to stroke your Predator but could never af the cost of a Billet crank, the Wildcat is your solution. But it doesn't stop at crankshaft stroke.
Power. The Wildcat 223's extra stroke adds to the power when compared to other engines EPA rating. Independent tests may vary on the calibration of the dyno.
Fits Honda GX200 5.5hp vs Wildcat 7.5hp is a 35% increase
Predator 212 6.5 vs Wildcat 7.5hp is a 15.5% increase
Tillotson 212E 7hp vs Wildcat 7.5hp is a 7% increase
Duromax XP7HPE 7hp vs Wildcat 7.5hp 7% increase
Strength. If there is somewhere the Predator or many other 212 engines can improve its block strength. The Wildcat has a reinforced block that is stronger than the Predator and many other 212 engines. The Wildcat blocks are capable of handling up to stage 4 kits when properly assembled and many builds that go beyond what stage 4 kits offer.
The WildCat comes in multiple variations. This is the standard pull start version but you can also purchase a pull start engine with a charging coil that is not offered by most popular 212 engines. The Wildcat also offers an electric start version
WildCat Specs:
Bore: 70mm
Stroke: 58mm
High-Velocity Hemi Head
27/25mm Valves, 5mm Stem
4000rpm limited coil
These parts interchange with the Wildcat
Camshaft: Gx200/Clone, Tillotson, Ducar, or Predator Hemi. Camshafts may require machining or grinding to make clearance for the crankshaft.
Flywheel Taper: Gx200/Clone, Tillotson, or Ducar
Exhaust Header: Gx200/Clone, Tillotson, Ducar or Predator 212
Connecting Rod: Gx200/Clone, Tillotson(not the 212E or 225). Non-stock or Billet Rods will require some clearance to fit the camshaft and the block