Backpack Sprayer Rack / TrimmerTrap SR-1
Pack Size:1
Fits Trimmer Trap SR-1
NHC 284-8246
Manufacturer warranty applies, Works for most Fits Solo, Fits Lesco and Fits Echo sprayers with round tubular frame, Does NOT include mounting hardware, Special order item. Please allow additional time for delivery. No cancellations. No returns., Prevents sprayer from falling over and sliding around, spilling or getting run over by other equipment, Mounts to open or enclosed trailers, Install a padlock in place of a quick pin to secure against theft
OEM Cross Reference:
Fits Trimmer Trap SR-1
NHC 284-8246
Manufacturer warranty applies, Works for most Fits Solo, Fits Lesco and Fits Echo sprayers with round tubular frame, Does NOT include mounting hardware, Special order item. Please allow additional time for delivery. No cancellations. No returns., Prevents sprayer from falling over and sliding around, spilling or getting run over by other equipment, Mounts to open or enclosed trailers, Install a padlock in place of a quick pin to secure against theft