Noram Mini Cup Clutch - #35 Chain - 14 Tooth
- 1'' Counterbore
- #35 Chain
- 14 Tooth
Engineered exclusively for the Mini-Cup Series of Racing, this clutch offers the winner the
following benefits:
Turned Steel Drum for perfect runout.
Heat dissipating holes in drum for cooler running clutch.
Three shoe design provides excellent 360 ° contact for more torque.
Variable spring assortment allows flexibility in engagement settings.
(4 cycle - 1" counterbore - #35 Chain) for up to 18 hp engines.

Noram Mini Cup Clutch - #35 Chain - 14 Tooth
- 1'' Counterbore
- #35 Chain
- 14 Tooth
Engineered exclusively for the Mini-Cup Series of Racing, this clutch offers the winner the
following benefits:
Turned Steel Drum for perfect runout.
Heat dissipating holes in drum for cooler running clutch.
Three shoe design provides excellent 360 ° contact for more torque.
Variable spring assortment allows flexibility in engagement settings.
(4 cycle - 1" counterbore - #35 Chain) for up to 18 hp engines.