Predator 212 Upgrade
Mar 12th 2021
I need some help completing my build of a predator 212. I was looking at F-275 Grind, Welded Lobe Clone Core Cam. Can you help me build out Rockers, springs, piston, rods, the whole package minus the parts I have listed under the cam?
I can assume you have a Hemi engine by the choice of the cam.
Regardless of whether a Hemi or Non-Hemi, the stock heads will only accept up to a 26# valve spring and the F-275 requires dual springs You could use the 275 cam that has less duration with the stainless valve kit. The F-275 does require the bottom of the cylinder be clearanced on most blocks whereas the 275 should drop right in, but that is something that must be checked when assembling the engine
Use these pushrods.
We have to use the stock rockers. The shallow spring pockets of the Hemi head and the canted valves dictate that we need to keep total lift .300" or less or we can run into coil bind, retainer to guide, and piston to valve clearance issues.
To be able to spec a rod and piston, I need to know how far down in the cylinder the piston is at TDC (top dead center) to be able to help you with that. The Chinese engines are not consistent and we really need to measure each one!
We have the long rod/Wiseco piston combo that typically gets us to zero deck on most engines. We can get the needed .030" piston to head clearance with a thicker head gasket. I can also spec out a stock style piston and the correct rod if I know how far down the piston is off the deck at TDC.
To get the most from your carb, I would consider milling the head .050" to bump the compression up. That will make the carb easier to tune and add HP to your engine.