Mikuni Throttle Bracket Predator 212 Ghost GX200 Clone
Finally, there is a way to use a vintage throttle and a Mikuni carb!
This bracket bolts to the side cover of most 6.5HP OHV engines, such as the Predator 212, GX200, and Clones. Perfect for minibikes and go karts.
Once bolted to the side cover you can use your existing throttle cable to attach to the front-most mounting point. The 2 piece clevis allows the inner cables to be joined while running at a smooth angle to the Mikuni carbs (also works with Walbro PZ22/26, OKO, Keihin, Nibbi, and many other slide type carbs that accept the smaller barrel cable ends)
The bracket may need to be bent or bushings used when using some stock gas tanks as the cable may hit the tank.
Check out our YouTube video for installation instructions
Search OMBWarehouse Mikuni Throttle Bracket install on YouTube

Mikuni Throttle Bracket Predator 212 Ghost GX200 Clone
Finally, there is a way to use a vintage throttle and a Mikuni carb!
This bracket bolts to the side cover of most 6.5HP OHV engines, such as the Predator 212, GX200, and Clones. Perfect for minibikes and go karts.
Once bolted to the side cover you can use your existing throttle cable to attach to the front-most mounting point. The 2 piece clevis allows the inner cables to be joined while running at a smooth angle to the Mikuni carbs (also works with Walbro PZ22/26, OKO, Keihin, Nibbi, and many other slide type carbs that accept the smaller barrel cable ends)
The bracket may need to be bent or bushings used when using some stock gas tanks as the cable may hit the tank.
Check out our YouTube video for installation instructions
Search OMBWarehouse Mikuni Throttle Bracket install on YouTube