Fast Tire Solutions
9866 FTS HT Outside Series 2 *MUST SHIP GROUND*
MUST SHIP UPS GROUND - IMPORTANT HT stands for Hard Track, Use on hard, dry, packed surfaces
HT Series 2 is more aggressive than HT 1 and can be used in different ways. Each bottle has F.T.S.'s Tech Support Hotline Phone number printed on them. The HT Series 2 is super aggressive and keeps tires biting and fresh when used as a wipe. When rolled, 15 - 60 minutes will add stability and bite, Roll for 1 - 3 hours to get a softer tire with good stability. Using the HT-series 2 as a pre race wipe works great when used on tires that were previously rolled to get some additional bite.

9866 FTS HT Outside Series 2 *MUST SHIP GROUND*
MUST SHIP UPS GROUND - IMPORTANT HT stands for Hard Track, Use on hard, dry, packed surfaces
HT Series 2 is more aggressive than HT 1 and can be used in different ways. Each bottle has F.T.S.'s Tech Support Hotline Phone number printed on them. The HT Series 2 is super aggressive and keeps tires biting and fresh when used as a wipe. When rolled, 15 - 60 minutes will add stability and bite, Roll for 1 - 3 hours to get a softer tire with good stability. Using the HT-series 2 as a pre race wipe works great when used on tires that were previously rolled to get some additional bite.