#40/41/420 Chain 1" Bore 10T Comet SCS 400-series
Genuine Comet SCS 400 series clutch is durable. With heavy duty needle bearings. Designed and built for direct drive mini-bikes and go-karts, one of the most rugged applications ever required of a modestly-priced automatic centrifugal clutch. Having the extra ability for rough service. For up to 7 horsepower 4 cycle engines. Approximate engagement of 2000 rpm. Made in USA.
***Clutch can only be mounted with chain in the outboard position***
Any 1" bore clutch is very sensitive to gearing. You must have a 6:1 gear ratio with tires less than 14" in height for any clutch to survive.

#40/41/420 Chain 1" Bore 10T Comet SCS 400-series
Genuine Comet SCS 400 series clutch is durable. With heavy duty needle bearings. Designed and built for direct drive mini-bikes and go-karts, one of the most rugged applications ever required of a modestly-priced automatic centrifugal clutch. Having the extra ability for rough service. For up to 7 horsepower 4 cycle engines. Approximate engagement of 2000 rpm. Made in USA.
***Clutch can only be mounted with chain in the outboard position***
Any 1" bore clutch is very sensitive to gearing. You must have a 6:1 gear ratio with tires less than 14" in height for any clutch to survive.